You're going to be okay.

September 17, 2018

I wake up exhausted.
At night I lie awake feeling this overwhelming dread and sadness cloak me. It's like tar. Thick, sticky, impossible to wash off and black. So black you could get lost in it. Even with a flashlight.
In the early hours of the morning, I imagine that it's seeping out of my pores. I'm surprised when there is no evidence on my bedsheets.

Getting up is hard. That tar, it's heavy. It wraps around my body and makes it hard to breathe.

I'm just tired
I'm just tired
I'm just tired

I repeat it throughout the day.

I'm so tired I can't sleep.

That black hole I've found myself in is too big.
It's so big and deep and how the hell do I climb out when I can't see anything else?

How do you say to the people that love you that you would like to just...not wake up again. I don't want to die, I'm not suicidal, but it would be nice don't you think, to not feel like I'm sick on the inside.
How do you open yourself up and show all that ugly dark tar inside? it's stuck to my organs and I'll never be free. How can you love me when I'm so ugly inside?

It's always going to be like this. Feeling so good. So high, So amazing and wonderful but anxious all the same. Because it's not going to last. It's fleeting and temporary and oh god, what's the point when you know the crash is around the corner.
I can't run from it. It's IN me. It's ON me. It IS me.
I'm not my mental illness, but I am. It's ME.

Every criticism, every argument, every hard word that has been said, those hands on me, my mistakes and fuck ups and failings, they assault me. Whispering inside my head, like a favourite song on repeat, I'll play it again and again.


I wrote that over a year ago.
Funny what can happen in a year.

I wish I knew that things would get worse, and then so much better.

Sass of the past,

Babe, you're going to leave your husband.
Don't be scared. Everything is going to be okay.
You'll cry in Ikea over buying a sofa. It's your first independent decision and you'll be almost paralysed with fear. LM will be mortified and then show so much compassion for a ten year old, you'll weep some more.

You'll find yourself being responsible for three children and realise that you've been doing it by yourself for a long time.
You'll be enraged at your ex for this, but also be comforted by the knowledge that you can do this single mum life thing.

You're going to move on.
It's not going to hurt to breathe anymore.
You'll find someone who makes you laugh so much you cry.
He'll love your children as much as you do.

You'll be standing in your kitchen, making pancakes for the kids and there will be music and happiness and you'll realise that this was meant to happen and you're happy.

You'll fall pregnant.
You'll cry in the shower after you've done the test because you're fucking terrified.
You'll have hope.
And then life... will show you that sometimes, some things are not meant to be.

You'll have lifesaving surgery.
You'll lose the baby.
And you'll mourn.

I'm sorry.

But listen.

Life, it goes on. Even when you don't want it to.
You've made it through every single shitty fucking day and you'll continue to do it because the things that terrify you and make you sad, are outnumbered by hearing your daughter call you mummy for the first time, or watching your baby boy take his first steps in front of you, his auntie and his nanny.

It's not easy. But the good things, they aren't meant to be easy.
You're going to be okay.

8 minute memoir

Losing Things

June 28, 2017

I carry it with me wherever I go
Shopping aisles appointments doctors waiting rooms
Missing lines on flimsy sticks
Made of hope and desperation
Empty arms and deflated heart
I loved you with all of my soul
Replacing my loss with your small small hands in mine
Somewhere between heartache and healing I lost you 
I carry it with me
Wherever I go.

Your red ribbon floats away
taking my heart with it.
Ripping me apart from the inside
Pain flows through
From the top of my body
Down to my toes
Red ribbon swirling around me
Steam smearing glass
I pushed you out

I was careless
I lost you somewhere between the grocery store and the
garden center.
Too wrapped up in the dreaming of the future instead of
Holding you close.
I look for you in lines and tests
Racing down aisles wringing my hands
Madam have you seen my baby?
I lost you in the lines and tests.
I was careless.

In an attempt to get back into a writing habit, I'm jumping in (late) to Ann Dee Ellis's 8 Minute Memoir. 
3 Days a week she gives a prompt and for 8 minutes you write whatever comes to your mind.

8 minute memoir


April 01, 2017

I'm trying really hard to clean up all of my messes. Physically and mentally and urgh, doing both, at the same time is haaaaarrrrrd internet people. It's really hard.

Part of being a foster carer is opening our home up for social workers and government workers to come through at short notice and at any time.  We have unscheduled unannounced visits sometimes, just to make sure that we aren't locking our children under the stairs (tempting) or living in complete squallor, which can make it really hard to ignore the dirty dishes in the sink, just in case some lady is going to come into the house and judge me.

So, on a superficial level, our home looks clean most of the time. As long as you ignore the cushions on the floor the dog has kicked off the sofa because he doesn't like the way I place them. (he wants me to put them on an angle, but I like them face on with a chop down the middle.)
But go upstairs and into my bedroom and I'm living like a 14-year-old girl.
Be careful opening that cupboard because everything might fall out and kill you where you stand.
Probably best not open under the bathroom cabinets because for some reason, my husband hoards old catalogues and magazines and that's where they end up. Along with half empty shampoo bottles when I decide I don't want to smell like watermelon anymore, it's all about the coconut.

So, I'm trying to do better.
Throwing out things, cleaning out my makeup...I don't think I'm ever going to wear blue eyeshadow circa 2001... sorting through my office and all the empty envelopes my husband has collected...

What it will be like not living on the edge anymore? Gone will be the "if I open the tuppawear cupboard will everything fall out" challenge.

Will I miss the weekly ripping apart of the house to find LM's homework sheet that I was sure I just put in that drawer...

Do people actually live like that, though? Everything in perfect order and organised and clean all the time?

In an attempt to get back into a writing habit, I'm jumping in (late) to Ann Dee Ellis's 8 Minute Memoir. 
3 Days a week she gives a prompt and for 8 minutes you write whatever comes to your mind.


March 06, 2017

Last year my son and his friend at school called the police on a mobile phone the other boy had stolen from his big sister. 

They sat behind a bookshelf during wet weather indoor play time and told the emergency line that the other boy's mum had been murdered.
When they hung up the phone (and presumably wet themselves with how hilarious they were) the police called back. MY son answered and told the police there was blood everywhere and he was scared. 

Now, the police, not sure if this was a prank or not, did a little bit of investigating and called the school after realising the call came from the area. What had everyone in a panic was that they couldn't get the other little boy to tell the truth. Was his mother really lying dead on her bedroom floor; or was she having coffee with a mate down at the coffee club?

Both the school and the police couldn't get hold of the other boy's mother, so the police sent cars over to the house to see if there really was a horrific murder in our lovely suburb.

As you can guess, when the mother finally answered her phone, she confirmed that she was in fact NOT dead, but her son would probably be by the time she was done with him.

I was called into the principal's office and had to sit there and will myself not to laugh at how hilarious the whole situation was. 
I mean, obviously, it was really bad. Wasting police time, lying, the boy stealing the phone, LM answering and lying to the police...

The principal sent LM out of the office and once we knew he was out of earshot we both laughed so hard we cried.

My son, he looks suspicious. If he looks like he's doing something naughty nine times out of ten, he's actually doing something naughty.

This weekend he took black paint into his room from his art kit and painted his wall.
My mind boggles. 
After I finished losing my shit (and I really really did. My neighbours all went to their bedrooms and sat on their beds with their arms crossed because I shouted it so loud) I asked him WHY.


He shrugged his shoulders.


I felt like my brain was going to melt.

There was a lot of crying (me) and an early night (him) and today, we started again.

New day, new slate.

He told me I was the prettiest mummy in the world when I made breakfast, he said I made the best food ever and then wrote me three notes where he promised he would never run away and will always love me to the moon and back. Forever and ever and ever.


He's really good at that emotional manipulation thing.

I might have the naughtiest boy in all of the lands...
But he's MY naughty boy. Truly.
He doesn't share my blood, but he's got my rebel running through his veins.

God help us all.

Keto for beginners.

February 06, 2017

I have a few friends starting our Keto Challenge with me today and I have had a few questions about the Ketogenic diet. Instead of sending the same thing to many people, I thought it would be a good idea to put it all down here and then you've got a resource that you can come back to if you like. 

I stumbled on the keto diet a few years ago when I was trying to lose weight for my sister's wedding. I didn't want to be a fat bridesmaid and was looking for a quick fix. Where I could lose as much weight as possible in the shortest amount of time because I'm lazy and couldn't be bothered with calorie counting, getting off my arse and moving more. Shitty way to go into losing weight if I can be honest. 
So, I found optifast. I was to have two shakes a day, an optifast approved snack and for dinner low carb vegetables. It's classed as a VLCD (Very low-calorie diet) and encourages you to go into ketosis. I lost weight fast (YAY) and I stuck to it for a few months and then gave up when I just wanted to eat a fucking steak. 
Needless to say, I did NOT lose all the weight I wanted to, and I went to England for the wedding fat. 

My mum came out for my 30th birthday and we all planned a trip to Hawaii in April. 
The day after she left I sat down and looked at all the pictures of my sister's wedding, my 30th birthday party and I cried. I didn't want to be a size 18 anymore. I didn't want to buy clothes only from the plus size section and I didn't want to sit on the sidelines of my kids life because I was uncomfortable with how I felt. 

I was going to go back onto the Optifast diet because I knew it would work, but I wasn't looking forward to forcing down the gross shakes every day.
Looking into optifast again, I kept seeing "ketosis" coming up. So, I did a little bit more research into ketosis and realised the reason for the weight loss on Optifast wasn't just that you were on the low-calorie diet, but because of ketosis. 
Realising that I could get into ketosis, lose weight and still eat bacon was a crazy thought.
I can remember going for a walk with the husband and explaining it and he looked at me like I'd lost my damn mind. 

What is the keto diet?
The ketogenic diet is basically a very low carb diet.

The “keto” in a ketogenic diet comes from the fact that it makes the body produce small fuel molecules called “ketones”. This is an alternative fuel for the body, used when blood sugar (glucose) is in short supply.Ketones are produced if you eat very few carbs (that are quickly broken down into blood sugar) and only moderate amounts of protein (excess protein can also be converted to blood sugar).Ketones are produced in the liver, from fat. They are then used as fuel throughout the body, including the brain. The brain is a hungry organ that consumes lots of energy every day and it can’t run on fat directly. It can only run on glucose… or ketones.On a ketogenic diet your entire body switches its fuel supply to run almost entirely on fat. Insulin levels become very low and fat burning increases dramatically. It becomes easy to access your fat stores to burn them off. This is obviously great if you’re trying to lose weight, but there are also other less obvious benefits, like for example less hunger and a steady supply of energy.

How do I get into ketosis?
Stop eating carbs.
Easier said than done I know. 
For your body to produce ketones, you need to reduce your carb intake dramatically. No more potatoes, pasta, bread or cake. Mean I know.

Generally speaking, the macronutrient ratio varies within the following ranges:
  • 60-75% of calories from fat (or even more),
  • 15-30% of calories from protein, and.
  • 5-10% of calories from carbs.

To find the correct macros, there are some great macro calculators out there that will work it all out for you. 
I use this one.
Enter your personal details and follow the instructions. 

How do I work out how many carbs I'm eating?
Track everything.

It's a hassle at first, but after the first week, it becomes a habit. 
I use My Fitness Pal on my phone to track everything. It's free, easy to use and a great resource. 

Calculate your net carbs by subtracting fibre from total carbsCarbohydrate comes in two forms: net carbs and fibre. Some countries vary with their nutritional information. There are two kinds of Carbs, Net Carbs and Fibre. You don't count fibre as your body doesn't absorb these. 
For example, if my meal has 15g Carbs, but 10g of those is fibre, your Net carbs are 5g.

Yeah, but what do I eat?
Think cheese, bacon, eggs, butter, steak, chicken, bacon, bacon baaaaccooon. 
Here are some diet plans that you can follow. 

What else do I need to do?
Drink water. Drink it all the day.
Take a multivitamin and drink some more water.

How do I know I'm in Ketosis?
  • Dry mouth and you'll be thirsty (unless you're following my above instructions and you're drinking your 2L a day. 
  • Keto Breath. This often caused by certain chemicals that are released in the breath as the body burns fat. Brush your teeth, or chew on a sugar-free mint and you'll be fine. Also, more water. This isn't a permanent thing and goes away once you're in the swing of things. 
  • Reduced Hunger. You may feel a reduction in hunger. (This is the main indication for myself to know I'm in Ketosis)
  • Increased energy. After keto flu has gone, you may notice your brain is "on" you'll have more motivation and energy. It's the BEST part of the keto diet. 
Keto Flu!
okay, so going into Carb detox is fucking awful. 
Common symptoms are headaches, feeling lethargic, feeling irritable, stomach upsets and just generally feeling shitty.
This goes away after 3-4 days. 
Drink water, watch your electrolytes, take a supplement, eat more fat and know that it will pass. 


If you need help with your macros, or a diet plan, I'd be more than happy to help, Keto has changed my life and I get so excited when other people discover the awesome thing keto is.


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